Following the recent successes of the Absolutely PC team, we are pleased to announce that a member of the team has become Microsoft Certified in Azure Fundamentals.

Second Line Engineer Marcus Kastania completed extensive independent online learning before taking an exam to prove knowledge on cloud concepts, core Azure services, Azure pricing, SLA and more.

Find out more about Marcus’ success, what was covered in the exam and how his achievement benefit our customers in our latest blog post.

What Is Microsoft Azure?

Microsoft Azure is a set of cloud services designed for building, testing, deploying and managing applications in the cloud. Azure is a popular cloud platform for larger firms and 95% of Fortune 500 companies utilise Azure for their business.

At Absolutely PC, we use Microsoft Azure to support clients with several specialist applications including launching virtual machines, building web apps, storing data and building serverless or data-driven apps.

What Was Involved?

The Microsoft Azure certification training was completed within the Microsoft learning platform with 4 modules covering cloud concepts, core services, security, privacy, compliance & trust and pricing, service level agreements and lifecycles.

Following the online learning, Marcus was able to sit the Microsoft Azure Fundamentals exam, the syllabus included:

  • Cloud Services: Benefits and Considerations
  • Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS)
  • Cloud Models: Public, Private, and Hybrid
  • Azure Architecture
  • Azure Products and Services
  • Azure Solutions
  • Azure Management Tools
  • Network Security in Azure
  • Azure Identity Services
  • Azure Security Tools and Features
  • Azure Governance
  • Monitoring and Reporting in Azure
  • Azure Privacy, Compliance, and Data Protection Standards
  • Azure Subscriptions
  • Planning and Managing Azure Costs
  • Azure Support Options
  • Azure Service Level Agreements (SLAs)
  • The Azure Service Lifecycle

After passing the examinations, Marcus was awarded his official Microsoft Certification!

“As more businesses seek out cloud based solutions for their I.T. Microsoft Azure is a platform that we expect to see an increased demand for in the future. Having a Microsoft Certified individual on the team offers real benefit and expertise to our clients, well done Marcus!”

John Williams, Managing Director – Absolutely PC

Microsoft Azure for Your Business

If you are looking to utilise cloud technologies for your business, services such as Microsoft Exchange, SharePoint, Office 365 or Azure could help.

As well as being very secure, cloud services offer several benefits to businesses including flexibility, sustainability mobility, disaster recovery, loss prevention and can give you a competitive edge. 

Congratulations Marcus 

Once again, congratulations to Marcus on his recent achievement. If you would like to have a conversation about how cloud I.T. systems such as Microsoft Azure could benefit your business, give one of the team a call today 0117 975 9523 to discuss your requirements.